Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Spring! Spring!
Let us dancing,
The nature is blooming
It is always here,
It is time to cheer

The flower’s dream
comes to the land
Wave your hands
to the falling leafs
For the seed of joy
has flourished

Spring comes longer and happier in the Holi Island. With so many shady trees and bright flowers, you could see how fruitful this land.

The sunny sun rises every morning, shining upon the blooming things.

The night does not seem so dark for there always bright stars in the sky. 

In a small house at the forest, across the blue river, near the grassland, lived the wisest man of the land, Gopa with his little Floria and Ipi, their beloved pet.

Every night before Flo sleeps, Gopa tells her bedtime stories.

Gopa said,
“You were born when every leaf turned into flowers, Flo”
“It was a very beautiful spring when I first saw you and last time saw your Moma” 

“Popa went to a delight and peaceful place far away from here in the last night of autumn”
“Nobody loves autumn for it is such a nightmare to this land.”
“It all began a long time ago. The God of Fertile was so angry to people of the Holi Island because these people did many bad things to their land. It was so bad that all the plants felt so much pain.” 

 “So, God changed the blue sky into grey, the green grass into grey and all colored things turned into grey. The leaves were all falling to the ground and the blossoms had withered in time”  

“You are the spring child, Flo. You should never let the autumn comes to this land” Said Gopa, ended the story. Flo closed her eyes but she wasn’t really sleeping.

The wind blew through the open windows in her room. Ipi unfolded their wings and flew out the windows.

“Ipi ! Ipi ! Ipi !” cried Flo. She run out of the house and chased Ipi.
She run and run and run and run….

She run through the cold night, deep into a jungle.  The cold weather created a tight fog that confused Flo’s sight.

It was too dark to see anything…

The fog slowly faded as Flo walked out the dark road. She saw a bird and thought it was Ipi. When she came closer, she was not sure if it was Ipi or other bird because its feather’s color is not red and blue like it used to be.

Flo looked around. Everything was grey. Sad, cold and drear.

Soon Flo realized that she was in autumn. She was lonely and she started to cry. She cried a lot until her tears watered the ground. Then the dirt became wet.

Whenever the dirt is wet, Elm, the guardian of the jungle, will be appear magically.
 Elm is the oldest creature in the Holi Island. He came to Flo and said,
“Little flower, why are you crying?”

Flo said, “Because it is autumn now. I shall not let the autumn comes”
Elm said “And you just sitting here and crying? Tears are only waters. There is nothing you can do with your tears”

Flo asked Elm what she had to do and Elm said,
“I’ll give you a seed to heal what has been hurt but before that you have to bring me four leaves with different colors to find your way home. Collect the gold, blue, pink, and black leaf!”

Flo continued her journey to find the four colored leaves. The Gold, The Blue, The Pink, and The Black.

The Gold leaf is hidden inside the stack of grey rocks in the Death Valley. She saw something bright and yellow sprang out from the stack of the grey rocks.

Flo hiked to the top of Death Valley bravely. She moved a heavy grey rocks strongly. She made things happen, almost like magic. She took the gold leaf that fell on the ground.

Passed over the Death Valley, Flo came to the Misty River. She nearly got there but there was a grizzly bear in the bank of the river.

Flo stepped carefully, hid behind the mist, dived into the river. Ipi flew towards the Grizzly Bear to distract his attention to Flo.

Under the river, Flo saw something blue glowing, Flo came nearer to the source of the light and she found the blue leaf.

Crossed the Misty River, Flo and Ipi came to the Wild Garden full of throne roses. Nobody could enter the garden for once someone stepped on it; the throne will hurt her.

Ipi helped Flo and flew into the wild garden. The roses are still red but it was all dead. Among the death red color, Ipi caught sight of pink leaf.  Ipi flew out the garden with the pink leaf on his beak.

Flo and Ipi walked through the side of wild garden and stopped at the front gate of Skull Cave. It is the scariest cave of the land.

Flo held the torchlight entered the cave, followed by Ipi. She went inside, deep into the cave, seeking the black leaf.

The Skull Cave looked so scary but Flo was not afraid. Inside the cave, there stood an old and creepy skull tree. The Skull Tree was made from human bones. On the edge of the bones, the black leaf was lying.  Ipi flew there and took it for Flo.

All the four leaves had been collected. Flo and Ipi went back to the place where they met Elm and gave the four leaves to him. Elm ate all those leaves. He looked so hungry.

Elm said,
“As I promised you, This I give you a seed of kindness that has been planted in your heart “ and he was just disappeared magically.

Flo opened her eyes in the beautiful morning of spring. She looked out the window and saw Ipi and Gopa in the yard.

Gopa and Ipi were watering the seed that planted on the yard. Flo smiled remembering her own adventure last autumn night.

This story will be an illustrated book for children. Its on drawing process now.
My friend, Toro Elmar asked me to colaborate with him, joined the Eye Level Literature Award about two months ago.
I never wrote any children story but the curiosity made me said yes. Beside, i call my self as a kid maniac.
I see many adorable kids these days being busy with their gadgets. Lost in cyberworld.
Do they aware with their environment?  I told you they're busy.
So here comes the story about spring time.
A time to cheer. A time to grow. A time to hope.
Like i hope they're going back.
Going back to the nature.......

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